Andréa - Shamanic Healer, Somatic & EMDR Therapist

Andrea Arare

Born and raised in Brazil, Andréa Ararê combines her healing gifts with the knowledge of native healing rituals, Somatic Therapy, and a wealth of feminine empowerment tools. Initiated in shamanic practices three decades ago, Andréa has been creating beautiful ceremonial spaces, bespoke healing sessions, and courses for over 10 years.

Tattler magazine called her work "Life-changing".

Andréa offers a trauma-informed alternative therapeutical practice combining shamanic healing, Somatic Experiencing® (SE), and EMDR to help shift emotions, beliefs, and energy stuck in the body and nervous system. Her healing sessions include some of the following: rebalancing chakras, soul retrieval, energetic unblocking and cleansing, ancestral healing, and other healing practices as well as shamanic counseling. The intuitive healing session is based on the client's needs and aims to remove blockages that may be keeping one from living up to their full potential. Andréa uses a combination of intuition, divine guidance, energetic and shamanic healing as she channels information with the purpose and power of assisting you to receive the most accurate and effective healing in pursuit of your highest good. Soul Retrieval is a shamanic practice that allows deep traumas and pain to be released, and the outcome is often associated with a noticeable release of physical and/or emotional tension, positive shifts - usually with the resolution of internal and/or intrapersonal conflicts, healing of physical illnesses, among other positive experiences.


Claudine - Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist & Wellness Coach


John - Astrologer